admin's blog

Say goodbye to the old Lions club building

This used to be the Lions Club building in the 1970's.  Then it was an appliance repair shop (world famous 'Frezzers') and then someone used it to grow hot house tomatoes.  It was pretty funny with a sign on the front saying 'Not Marijuana - DO NOT STEAL'.  It was just accross from the Post Office and was painted gold (which you can still kind of see).  It was in pretty bad shape and had to go.  RIP old fella

Pierre Langlois - a tourist from Quebec tells his famliy history

Dan recorded this back in June of 2014 from a fellow on a motorcycle tour from Canada named Pierre Langlois.  It's pretty cool -- all back to RIchard the Lion Hearted.  The French people called the administrators Langlois, which derives as 'The English'.  Have a listen.

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MP3 version (much smaller for us in the Bandwidth Ghetto)


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