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Wheat farmers eye prices as harvest continues

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

PRESCOTT, Wash. — Soft white wheat prices are stagnant around the $6 per bushel range, farmer Jim Kent said.

Six dollars per bushel “sounds good, but you take everything out of it and your expenses haven’t gone down,” Kent said. “Everything’s still fairly high.”

A Washington Association of Wheat Growers board member, Kent estimated he’s halfway through his wheat harvest. on 4,500 acres south of Prescott, Wash.

Test weights are up and yields are easily about 10 bushels per acre above Kent’s average, typically about 80 bushels per acre.

Soft white wheat ranges on the Portland market from $5.80 per bushel to $5.90 per bushel. Hard red winter wheat ranges from $6.21 per bushel to $7.01 per bushel, depending on protein. Dark northern spring ranges from $6.42 per bushel to $7.30 per bushel.

Farm marketings are behind normal, which implies a lot of selling in the future, said Dan Steiner, grain merchandiser for Morrow County Grain Growers.

But President Donald Trump’s announcement of $12 billion in farmer aid throws marketing “out the window,” he said. Normally, Steiner would expect catch-up sales at harvest time when marketing is behind normal, causing temporary dips in price as the market softens.

Typically, about 40 percent of the Pacific Northwest wheat crop is sold by the end of September, depending on the crop size and price.

Trump’s announcement appears to be helping the market, Steiner said.

“We don’t even know the details of it yet,” he said of Trump’s farmer aid. “In that process of aiding the farmers, it will probably keep grain off the market ... However that works out per farmer, that may heal them up and give them enough money that they can be patient and wait for the cash market to develop more.”

World production is getting smaller, with estimates from the European Union reduced to 130 million metric tons, down 8.5 percent from 142 million metric tons last year. Central and Northern Russia had too much rain, affecting quality, Steiner said, Other problems include dry conditions in Australia and lower dark northern spring wheat yields in the U.S. so far on the Wheat Quality Council tour, he said.

Steiner said prices appear stronger overall, and advised U.S. farmers to take advantage when possible.

“The reality is, as wheat prices go up, we are not seeing any increased sales,” he said. “We are not seeing stronger demand. That may happen, and if it does happen, it will most likely be mid- to late winter or early spring. It’s not going to happen right away.”

Russia and the Black Sea region will still get the majority of demand, Steiner said. Until they have generated the cash they need, the U.S. won’t earn any additional export sales, he said.

If U.S. wheat sales don’t improve by next February to April, Steiner said, that could mean a lot of pressure on the cash market.

Farmers can take advantage of rallies and sell at prices they think they can live with, Steiner said.

“Soon as we can get through harvest and bin doors get shut, I’m certainly thinking we’re going to see higher prices throughout the course of the winter.”

Kent, the Prescott area farmer, would like to see soft white wheat prices closer to $6.50 per bushel.

“I see that happening, I just don’t know if it’s going to happen in August or if we’re going to have to wait until after the first of the year,” he said.

Superheated steam an organic weed killer

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The Steam Weeder looks like an old-time vacuum cleaner and sounds like an espresso machine, with a long hose and nozzle attached to a tractor-mounted boiler heating steam to 250 degrees.

Erik Augerson, a graduate research assistant for Oregon State University, demonstrated how the technology works July 18 during Blueberry Field Day at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center, steaming along rows of blueberries to control field bindweed.

As a weed management tool, Augerson said the Steam Weeder shows promise, especially for organic growers. Superheated steam kills weeds by bursting plant cells, without damaging mulch or other farm infrastructure, as flame weeding does.

Augerson, who is earning his master’s degree from OSU in horticulture, is part of a research project trying to develop a season-long organic weed management program for small berry growers, combining steam with other mechanical treatments and certified organic sprays.

“The organic berry industry in Oregon is having a lot of trouble determining what the best and most cost-effective form of weed management is for their systems,” Augerson told the Capital Press. “We’re just trying to increase the growers’ toolbox.”

The project is supported by a $500,000 grant from the Organic Transitions Program through the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Additional funding comes from the OSU Agriculture Research Foundation and Northwest Center for Small Fruits Research.

The Steam Weeder is manufactured by Weedtechnics, a company based near Sydney, Australia. Jeremy Winer, managing director of Weedtechnics, was also on hand at the field day to meet with growers and answer questions about the product, which sprays at a rate of 2.5 gallons per minute and penetrates 1 inch deep into the ground.

“It’s not actually boiling, but it’s superheated,” Winer explained. “It explodes the (weed) cells.”

Augerson said OSU purchased the Steam Weeder over the winter and began field trials about a month and a half ago. While they are still collecting data, he said the technology could be a solid option for organic growers — depending on the cost analysis.

“We know that it can kill weeds, and that it works from a management standpoint,” Augerson said. “I think it has a lot of promise.

Depending on the size and model, Steam Weeders can cost between $16,000 and $30,000, a steep price tag for small growers. But Augerson said the value lies in decreased need for manual labor controlling weeds, allowing farms to put their workers to better use.

“There is a lack of farm labor, and it is decreasing,” Augerson said. “We want to make it so farmers can utilize their labor in different ways.”

Augerson said they will need at least two years of data before they can start writing a comprehensive, full-season weed management program for organic berries.

Mint production increases in parts of West

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Most of the mint oil in the U.S. is produced in the West, and some parts of the region are still increasing production.

“I think Idaho is going to increase its production in the next three to 5 years,” Roger Batt, executive director of the Idaho Mint Commission, said.

From 2007 to 2012, Idaho increased mint harvest by a little over 4,000 acres. In the same time, Oregon saw a nearly 6,000-acre increase in mint harvests for oil.

Washington state, however, has seen a decrease in acreage, and Ken Christensen, a mint grower and chairman of the Far West Mint Marketing Order, said he doesn’t see it increasing.

Christensen said production will most likely begin moving to other states because of the aging demographic of farmers and less demand for spearmint, a popular crop in Washington, versus peppermint.

In 2012, the USDA Census of Agriculture reported that 96,129 acres of mint were harvested for oil. Of that total, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California produced approximately 77.5 percent.

Producing mint oil takes special know-how, Christensen said.

“It’s not like everyone knows how to grow it,” Christensen said. “You have either been in it for generations or you have a neighbor that helps you.”

Idaho ranks number three in the nation for peppermint production, with 16,000 acres. The state also grows a much smaller percentage of spearmint, only about 1,000 acres, according to Batt.

“Ninety percent of all mint oil goes into gum, toothpaste and candy,” Batt said. The other 10 percent is used for medicinal purposes.

Mint can also be used for tea leaves.

The demand for oil depends on the type of mint.

Peppermint oil is in higher demand than spearmint, Batt said, because peppermint has menthol in it. Also, spearmint has a marketing order attached to it, he said. Basically, there is a limit to how much spearmint can be produced to prevent flooding the market. The system works based on a lottery to decide who is able to grow spearmint, he said.

“Mint is a product that can be stored for a for a long time,” Christensen said, but that can be a problem as well. If there isn’t enough demand the stocks get really high and drive the price down, which is part of the reason spearmint oil production is regulated.

Mint oil, no matter the kind, requires expensive equipment to produce.

Farmers cut the mint and leave it in windrows for several days to dry, Batt explained. Then, the mint is chopped into small pieces with a silage chopper before it is placed into large sealable mint tubs.

The tubs are then hauled to a mint still, where they are hooked to a steam hose, Batt said. Steam is pumped into the bottom of the bin to release the oil in the mint and turn it into vapor. The vapor is then taken and allowed to cool and turn into liquid. The oil separates to the top of the water and is separated.

Mint stills alone cost around $1 million, according Christensen, who mentioned that propane costs to run the still can also be high.

“It is kind of like beer. You have a three-tiered system,” Batt said, explaining how the sales system for mint oil works.

He said producers often contract with a mint dealer, usually for 2-3 years. The dealer then sells the oil to companies such as Colgate or Wrigley’s.

Prices are currently in the upper teens for a pound of mint oil, according to Batt and Christensen. However, Christensen said that the Scotch variety of spearmint in slightly lower, about $14 per pound.

Police euthanize cougar sighted in backyard

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

SPRINGFIELD, Ore. (AP) — Oregon police say they shot a cougar that was seen inside a fenced backyard stalking children while they were playing in a swimming pool.

Springfield police Lt. Scott McKee says they used a dog to track the cougar.

The dog chased the cougar up two trees where it was shot and killed.

Police say they decided to put down the 2-year-old, 70-pound cougar after the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife concluded that it was the only safe option.

Springfield police believe it was the same cat that was sighted on Sunday.

The animal’s body was taken to the fish and wildlife department for a necropsy, or autopsy for animals, to determine if it was in the area because it was sick or in search of prey.

Red raspberry imports weigh on U.S. harvest

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

A spring surge in imported red raspberries has soured the economics of the summer harvest, according to Washington growers.

Woodland farmer George Thoeny said he sells fresh raspberries at a profit at farmers’ markets and a roadside stand, but that he may lose money on fruit he sells for processing.

“The price has been a disaster, an all-time low,” he said. “The imports have just killed this industry.”

Farmers in the three red raspberry-growing states — Washington, California and Oregon — compete against an increasing volume of foreign fruit. The main competitor, Mexico, more than doubled exports to the U.S. between 2014 and 2017, according to the USDA Economic Research Service.

So far this year, imports from Serbia and Chile have also significantly increased. In April and May alone, 15.5 million pounds of frozen red raspberries came into the U.S. compared to 7.9 million pounds the year before.

The size and timing of the influx left Washington growers in some cases without buyers, particularly for berries that were to be sold for juice, Washington Red Raspberry Commission Executive Director Henry Bierlink said.

“That kind of sent the message to everybody, they can get product without paying much for it,” he said.

The raspberry commission suspects growers are being undercut by foreign fruit being dumped on the U.S. market at below the cost of production. Gathering evidence has been complicated by the way imports are labeled and reported, Bierlink said. The commission retained a Washington, D.C., law firm last year to investigate whether it had a case.

“We asked, and they said, ‘You don’t have much of one. You need better data,’” Bierlink said.

The state commission led successful challenges to Canadian trade practices in the mid-1980s and Chilean trade practices in the early 2000s. Even with better data, pursuing a new claim would be harder now, Bierlink said.

California has become a major red raspberry state, and many producers there also grow berries in Mexico. “They would have limited interest in suing themselves,” Bierlink said.

Another hurdle would be money. Bierlink estimates pursing a claim would cost $1 million to $2 million. Congress in 2005 repealed the Byrd Amendment, which awarded payments to U.S. companies that filed successful trade complaints. The World Trade Organization had ruled the practice illegal.

Unlike many sectors of the farm economy, trade does not benefit red raspberry growers, said Lynden farmer Jon Maberry, the raspberry commission chairman.

“We understand we don’t have the same position as some of the other ag commodities,” he said. “We would be happy if we could supply the U.S.”

Low-cost Mexican red raspberries that end up as an ingredient in juice or other products pose the biggest long-term threat to the U.S. industry, he said.

The raspberry commission is talking to policymakers about labeling laws to inform consumers that they are buying U.S. berries, Maberry said.

“We don’t want a bail out, we just want things to be fair,” he said. “We think it’s in the best interest of consumers to have the U.S. growing its own food.”

New public cultivar aims to ‘Triumph’ in hop market

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

A cross between two hop plants made 18 years ago will likely debut this October as “Triumph,” a new public variety resulting from the cooperative breeding efforts of USDA and Northwest growers.

Unlike cultivars owned by private companies, Triumph can be grown and propagated without paying license fees to the developer, said John Henning, a research geneticist with USDA who developed the variety.

“It’s all publicly handled and that dramatically decreases the cost of production to the grower,” Henning said.

The variety’s name springs from its repeated “triumph” over other cultivars during single-hop brewing trials, as well as Henning’s favorite brand of motorcycle.

Aroma-style hops generally yield about eight to 10 bales per acre, while Triumph has produced 12 or more in field trials, he said.

“We don’t want to overhype it because it’s a small plot,” said Doug Weathers, a hop farmer who tested the variety on 2 acres near Salem, Ore.

Weathers said he appreciates that Triumph is “on the front end of harvest,” which means he can begin using picking and processing machinery before most other hop cultivars are ready.

“It picks really nice and dries really nice,” he said. “It’s fairly non-problematic to grow.”

Agronomic benefits are important but flavor ultimately determines whether a new hop variety will catch on, experts say.

Brewers have described Triumph as having notes of “pink Bazooka bubblegum” and “peach stone fruit,” Weathers said. “That’s the feedback we’re getting from them.”

The hops are well-suited for use in pale ales, amber ales and pilsners, he said. “It’s a little lighter profile.”

New hop varieties typically need a “long runway” to gain popularity, said Pete Venegas, procurement manager at Yakima Chief-Hopunion, a hop supplier.

“You need to be persistent and keep promoting it,” Venegas said.

Becoming a key ingredient in a popular beer can greatly boost demand for a hop variety, particularly for a brew that racks up awards, he said. “It’s really up to the consumer.”

Triumph is tentatively planned for public release in October after undergoing years of greenhouse and field trials, with the final step being the 2-acre plot at Weathers’ farm.

Henning said Triumph is his first new hop variety in about a decade but he’s got two other varieties ready to jump to the final testing stage.

The cultivar is joining a crowded hop market. This spring, the national inventory of hops hit a record 169 million pounds, up 20 percent from the previous year and the highest level in decades.

Stocks of the ingredient have piled up as sales of craft beer haven’t kept pace with projections of red-hot growth, experts say.

Oregon farmers harvest grass seed amid strong market

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Kathy Hadley maneuvers a combine over neat rows of tall fescue that was recently cut at her family’s farm near Rickreall, Ore., in the heart of the Willamette Valley, where farmers grow roughly two-thirds of the cool season grass seed produced in the U.S.

Grass seed harvest began in mid-June, and despite an unusually dry May with almost no significant rainfall, Hadley says yields should be close to average, with a wide range of variability from field to field.

“For us, we’re just kind of at the mercy of Mother Nature,” Hadley says from behind the wheel as dry grass feeds into the combine’s header. “It’s all across the board, from being really poor to really good.”

Seed prices are also a mixed bag, with the price of turf-type tall fescue particularly strong, based on several factors, including short supply and new varieties displacing perennial ryegrass in some markets.

Hadley is harvesting 30 acres of turf-type tall fescue for DLF Pickseed in Halsey, Ore. Companies such as DLF contract with farmers to grow their proprietary varieties.

Following a mild winter and dry spring, Hadley says growers were concerned about lower yields and seed weight heading into this year’s harvest, though they appear to be in good shape so far.

“It’s been going pretty smoothly,” Hadley says. “We’ve had some trucks that weighed really good.”

Growers will receive 9 cents more per pound for tall fescue this year — a price bump of about 11 percent. Mark Simmons, executive director of the Oregon Grass Seed Bargaining Association, says farmers hope to maintain that increase over the next few years.

The association, made up of 150 members, negotiates prices for tall fescue and perennial ryegrass with dealers. Simmons, a former Oregon legislator and state House speaker, says there is already a shortage of turf-type tall fescue, and breeders have developed more robust varieties preferred over perennial ryegrass, prompting greater demand.

“The breeders have developed new dark green, finer leafed varieties of turf-type tall fescue that the market likes,” Simmons says.

Lucas Solis, vice president and general manager of Pure Seed in Canby, Ore., says tall fescue continues to be in high demand, but cautions against overproduction pressuring prices.

“I think there should be a lot of concern about tall fescue,” Solis says. “When you have increased production and a pie that’s only so big ... it’s just the law of economics. Supply goes up, price goes down.”

Oregon grows about 400,000 acres of grass seed, 90 percent of which is in the Willamette Valley. The industry produces approximately 600 million pounds of seed each year, according to the Oregon Seed Council.

While nearly all of western Oregon is experiencing moderate drought, Simmons says high heat did not come until after cutting began, sparing growers a worst-case scenario.

“Luckily we didn’t get any 90- or 100-degree temperatures in May while we weren’t getting any rain,” he said. “If that had materialized, we would probably really be singing the blues during harvest.”

Onion crop looks good in SE Oregon, SW Idaho

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Craig Froerer likes what he sees in his onion fields outside Nyssa, Ore.

“All the stars aligned for a great crop this year,” he said.

The large onion crop of southeastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho looks good as growers head toward harvest. Some early varieties are getting harvest-ready. Fields appear to be in fine shape and noticeably farther along than they were at this point in the slow-starting 2017 season.

“We have had very mild, even temperatures, so it is going to be a great crop,” said Froerer, of Froerer Farms. “We have had great weather all the time, and no really high temperatures,” he said July 20. “The crop is deciding what it is going to do and it is going be a great crop. We are starting to harvest today.”

Some early-to-mature varieties are approaching harvest-readiness, said Oregon State University Malheur County Extension Agent Stuart Reitz, based in Ontario.

Early varieties and transplants — which are planted as small onions and have a head start on the directly seeded crop — typically bypass long-term storage and go directly to customers. This effectively extends the period over which onions can be shipped and gives customers more options.

Onions and onion fields in the area look good in general, Reitz said July 20.

“Last year was a bit of a difficult year with the weather and late planting. But right now, everything across the (Treasure) Valley is looking pretty good,” he said. “Stands look good, and plants have been doing well. It has been hot the last few days, but not excessively.”

Growers this time of year want to see closed-over rows of plants that have uniform height and size. A good-looking stand has the crop uniformly spread across the field, rather than showing an abundance of onions in one area and sparse conditions in another.

“We will see how it all turns out, but now most of the fields are in pretty good shape,” Reitz said.

Idaho Onion Growers Association President Dell Winegar, who farms south of Fruitland, Idaho, said it appears onions are building heft.

“Some of the ones we are going to be doing early are getting some size,” he said. “The overall quality looks good to me.”

Winegar said he expects some thin stands in the area, a result of heavy winds earlier in the year. “That doesn’t go away. There will be some,” he said. “But overall size should be good.”

The season is at least a week to 10 days ahead of year-earlier conditions — so onions will be better-cured when they go into storage, and more will be ideal in size if current conditions hold, he said. Temperatures that get too high for too long can make onions mature too early; tops can fall over, and the onions don’t reach ideal size, he said.

Paul Skeen, president of the Malheur County Onion Growers Association, said he expects “an average good, healthy crop” this year. Excess heat so far has not been an issue, he said.

Skeen, who farms near Nyssa, expects to start harvesting early varieties Aug. 10 or so, he said. The onion crop in the area should be better than last year’s, he said.

“It’s not perfect,” Skeen said, citing some impacts from heavy wind last spring, “but overall it is looking good.”

Drought expands in Oregon, Washington

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Drought conditions are spreading in Oregon and Washington, and an El Nino forming in the Pacific Ocean will tilt the odds in favor of more warm and dry months ahead, federal officials reported.

The percentage of Oregon in moderate or severe drought was up to 80 percent from 68 percent from the week before, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Meanwhile, a moderate drought in Washington expanded to 26 percent from 17 percent of the state.

Conditions in Idaho and California were unchanged, with 6 percent of Idaho and 44 percent of California in some degree of drought. The Drought Monitor has four stages of drought, ranging from moderate to exceptional.

Also the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center reported that the odds favor above-average temperatures in the four states during August, September and October.

Looking further ahead, the center puts the chances that an El Nino will form in the Pacific Ocean by November at 70 percent. An El Nino, a warming of equatorial sea-surface temperatures, usually leads to warmer and drier winters in the Pacific Northwest.

Forecasts of an El Nino have missed the mark before. A large amount of warm water below the surface makes forecasters slightly more confident this time, according to the center.

Drought conditions in Oregon are most severe east of the Cascades, where 25 percent of the state has fallen into a “severe” drought, the level above “moderate.”

In Washington, the moderate drought conditions are mostly west of the mountains, though drought conditions extend up the Columbia Gorge as far east as Benton County.

River flows in southwest Washington are particularly low, resembling levels during the 2015 drought, according to Ecology. The department last month curtailed the water-rights of 93 irrigators in the Chehalis basin.

East of the Cascades, the water-rights of about 40 irrigators in the Walla Walla basin in southeast Washington have been curtailed.

Ecology on Friday cut off the water-rights of 80 irrigators in the Methow basin in north-central Washington because of low stream and river flows.

The Bureau of Reclamation projected this month that junior water-right holders in the Yakima Valley will receive 100 percent of their water supplies for the irrigation season.

More crews answer the call to fight Oregon wildfires

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

CENTRAL POINT, Ore. (AP) — Firefighters are facing hot, dry and breezy conditions as they work to contain a complex of 13 wildfires burning in southwest Oregon.

Fire officials say more than 1,800 firefighters and 30 aircraft are battling the Garner Complex fire in Jackson and Josephine counties on Sunday. Troops from the National Guard have also arrived to help.

The fire has scorched about 12 square miles and was about 10 percent contained as of Sunday morning.

Fire spokesman Don Hickman says crews are very focused as they work in hot conditions and steep terrain.

Meanwhile, fire officials say they’ve made significant progress containing a deadly wildfire that has burned wheat fields and grasslands near The Dalles.

The Substation blaze has burned more than 123 square miles and was 90 percent contained as of Monday morning.

Judge hears oral arguments in Klamath Tribes lawsuit

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

A federal judge in San Francisco heard oral arguments Friday in a case filed by the Klamath Tribes of southern Oregon seeking greater protections for endangered sucker fish in Upper Klamath Lake.

The lawsuit, which names the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service as defendants, requests an injunction to hold more water in the lake for shortnose and Lost River suckers, a culturally significant food for the tribes.

Farmers and ranchers, however, worry the injunction would essentially shut off surface water irrigation in the Klamath Project, costing roughly $400 million in lost annual economic value.

District Judge William Orrick did not issue a ruling from the bench, and is considering a motion to transfer the case to a different court. There is no timetable for a decision moving forward.

Mark Johnson, deputy director of the Klamath Water Users Association, said the non-ruling means irrigators in the Klamath Project will be allowed to continue watering their crops — for now.

“We’ll find out hopefully in a few days what the ruling will be,” Johnson said.

The KWUA, along with the Sunnyside Irrigation District and California farmer Ben DuVal, jointly filed to intervene in the tribes’ lawsuit. They argue an injunction would have a devastating effect on agriculture, and furthermore there is no evidence linking higher lake levels with healthier sucker populations.

“A lot of it is weather-driven, regardless of lake levels,” Johnson said. “Overall, lake levels do play into it, but they’re not a huge driving factor.”

Water levels in Upper Klamath Lake are managed by the Bureau of Reclamation under the 2013 biological opinion, or BiOp, which also balances water deliveries to the Klamath Project for irrigation.

Both the shortnose and Lost River suckers — known by the tribes as C’waam and Koptu — were listed as endangered in 1988. Fish harvests decreased from more than 10,000 to just 687 suckers between 1968 and 1985, according to the tribes, and today just two fish are harvested for ceremonial purposes.

The lawsuit claims that, despite the Endangered Species Act listing, the Bureau of Reclamation continues to operate the Klamath Project “in a manner inimical to the continued existence and ultimate recovery of the C’waam and Koptu and in direct violation of the ESA.” It further states that, “Dramatic changes to the Klamath River Basin’s hydrology and the rise of agricultural activity within the area since the Project’s inception have caused (Upper Klamath Lake) to change from eutrophic to hypereutrophic, that is, from a lake with high nutrient levels to one that is excessively rich in them.”

Don Gentry, tribal chairman, could not be reached Friday for comment.

In addition to maintaining levels in Upper Klamath Lake, Orrick ruled last year that more water was needed in the Klamath River to flush away a deadly salmon-killing parasite known as C. shasta. The bureau released 38,425 acre-feet of water April 6-15 and 50,000 acre-feet May 7-28 to comply with the order, delaying the water allocation for irrigators until June.

If the Klamath Tribes succeed with their injunction for more water in Upper Klamath Lake, Johnson said it would essentially shut down surface water irrigation for 230,000 acres in the project.

“People wouldn’t be able to irrigate at all,” Johnson said. “It would be catastrophic.”

Feds seizing Oregon mega-dairy citing owner’s behavior

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — The U.S. Department of Justice is taking over an embattled Oregon mega-dairy, citing the owner’s continued drug use, gambling, out-of-control spending and pending criminal charges.

The Statesman Journal reports Lost Valley Farm, located near Boardman, supplies milk to the Tillamook County Creamery Association, which produces Tillamook Cheese.

It is the second largest dairy in the state.

The 11-square mile (29-square kilometer) dairy has had issues including financial and regulatory problems since it opened over a year ago.

Owner Greg te Velde is facing criminal charges in California for meth possession and trying to bribe an officer.

He declined to comment on Thursday.

The Justice Department is also handling te Velde’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which was filed in an effort to stall a bank foreclosure sale of his cattle.

Oregon farmers scramble to save crop from Substation Fire

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

A massive 70,000-acre wildfire burning east of The Dalles, Ore. is putting the region’s wheat harvest in jeopardy as farmers rush to save their crop from the fast-moving and unpredictable blaze.

The Substation fire started July 17 and grew quickly to become the top priority wildfire in the U.S. Authorities say the cause is “incendiary in nature,” and one Wasco County farmer has died trying to fight the fire.

Firefighting is part of the job for wheat farmers in north-central Oregon, especially around harvest with heavy machinery working in dry, combustible fields. But Darren Padget, a farmer in Grass Valley, said they have never seen anything like the Substation fire.

“We’ve had plenty of fires before,” Padget said. “(This) was unlike anything we’ve ever seen out here.”

Gov. Kate Brown declared the fire a conflagration on July 18, pulling in resources from across the state to contain the blaze. As of July 20, 278 firefighters from 73 agencies had arrived on scene and had the fire 15 percent contained.

The Wasco County Sheriff’s Office identified John Ruby, 64, as the man who died in the fire. Ruby’s body was found near a burned tractor, and he was reportedly trying to protect his neighbor’s property by digging a firebreak.

Padget, who also serves as a member of the Oregon Wheat Commission, said Ruby’s death was a tragedy. It is normal for farmers in the area to team up and help fight fires, he said, keeping water trucks and disc plows on hand for such emergencies.

“The first thing you do is get the discs going,” Padget said. “Normally, that would be enough to slow it down.”

The Substation fire, however, raced 18 miles its first run, feasting on standing wheat, grass and brush in Wasco and Sherman counties, fanned by wind gusts of 35 mph. Padget said the smoke was so thick he could barely see his hand in front of his face, and flames jumped over fire lines “like they weren’t even there.”

“We didn’t know what the right move was, at times,” he said.

Alan von Borstel, a fellow Grass Valley farmer, told the Associated Press that it has been day after day of horrendous winds, and the fire also creates its own wind.

“As the fire gets closer, you actually start to feel threatened, and if it gets too close, we realize we can’t do it, (and) we get the hell out of Dodge,” von Borstel said.

Brian Tuck, the local dryland crops specialist for Oregon State University Extension Service, said wheat harvest began earlier this month but has been interrupted by the fire while growers feverishly work to protect their crop.

Tuck said he is not certain how many acres of unharvested wheat have burned, but commiserates that some farms in the two counties were anticipating higher-than-average yields thanks to timely spring rains. Fields that normally would have cut 55-60 bushels per acre may have yielded upwards of 80-90 bushels per acre, he said.

“The sad part is this (fire) is burning up a bunch of wheat that wasn’t harvested,” Tuck said.

Per the 2012 Census of Agriculture, Sherman and Wasco counties grow a combined 186,135 acres of wheat. The predominant variety, soft white wheat, is used to make things like cakes and crackers, and most of the crop is exported to Asia. The current price for soft white wheat trading out of Portland is $5.90 per bushel.

Firefighters are targeting Aug. 3 to have the Substation fire fully contained. Once the fire is extinguished, Tuck said the main concern will shift to soil erosion on the charred landscape, stripping fields of vital nutrients.

“Erosion for this winter is going to be a concern,” he said. “If we avoid a hard, severe winter, that will be to our advantage.”

Wes Jennings, farm program chief for the USDA Farm Service Agency in Oregon, said they do offer emergency relief for farmers and ranchers, but it is still too early to tell which programs will kick in after the fire.

“It’s going to be on a case-by-case basis,” Jennings said. He advised producers to call their local county FSA offices as soon as possible to determine the next steps to take. Wheat farmers will likely have to lean on crop insurance, he said.

Neither Padget nor von Borstel have lost any wheat to the fire, but they know how quickly that can change. Farmers will continue to look out for one another, von Borstel told the AP.

“Without the help of the farmers, this thing wouldn’t get stopped,” he said.

Padget said their number one priority is to protect themselves, their neighbors and their livelihood.

“We’ll be talking about this for a long, long time to come,” Padget said.

Anyone with information about the Substation fire is asked to call the Oregon State Police tip line at 1-800-452-7888.

Oregon farmers scramble to fight Substation Fire

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Firefighting is part of the job for dryland wheat farmers in north-central Oregon, especially around harvest time with heavy machinery working in hot, combustible fields.

But Darren Padget said they have never seen anything quite like the Substation fire, which started Tuesday east of The Dalles and spread over 50,000 acres by Thursday morning in Wasco and Sherman counties.

“We’ve had plenty of fires before,” said Padget, a farmer near Grass Valley. “(This) was unlike anything we’ve ever seen out here.”

The Substation fire started on private land before racing out of control through grass, brush and standing wheat. On Wednesday, Gov. Kate Brown declared the fire a conflagration, pulling in resources from across the state to try to corral the blaze. So far, 178 firefighters from 32 agencies have arrived on scene, and more are on the way.

During a press conference Thursday, Brown said the fire is being investigated for possible arson. Anyone with information is asked to call the Oregon State Police tip line at 1-800-452-7888.

One person, a 64-year-old farmer identified as John Ruby, died while trying to fight the fire, according to the Wasco County Sheriff’s Office. His body was found near a burned tractor, and was reportedly trying to protect his neighbor’s property by digging a firebreak.

Padget, who also serves on the Oregon Wheat Commission, said it is normal for farmers in the region to team up and help fight fires, keeping water trucks and disc plows on hand for emergencies.

“The first thing you do is get the discs going,” Padget said. “Normally, that would be enough to slow it down.”

The Substation fire, however, spread 18 miles during its initial run, pushed south and east by wind gusts up to 35 mph. At times, Padget said smoke was so thick he could barely see his hand in front of his face, and flames easily jumped their fire lines.

“Nature has a way of letting you know who is in charge,” Padget said.

Brian Tuck, the local dryland crops specialist for Oregon State University Extension Service, said wheat harvest began earlier this month but has been interrupted by the fire while growers feverishly work to protect their crop.

Tuck said he is not certain how many acres of unharvested wheat have burned, but commiserates that some areas in the two counties were anticipating higher-than-average yields thanks to timely spring rains. Fields that normally would have cut 55-60 bushels per acre may have yielded upwards of 80-90 bushels per acre, he said.

“The sad part is this (fire) is burning up a bunch of wheat that wasn’t harvested,” Tuck said.

Soft white wheat, the predominant variety grown in Eastern Oregon, is currently trading at $5.90 per bushel out of Portland. Per the 2012 Census of Agriculture, Sherman and Wasco counties grow a combined 186,135 acres of wheat — which ranks third and fifth in the state, respectively.

While Padget said he has not personally lost any wheat to the fire, he knows that can change quickly given the fire’s unpredictability.

“Right now, as long as the winds don’t do something stupid or anything like that, Grass Valley should be fine,” Padget said on Thursday. “But after yesterday, all bets are off.”

Once the fire is extinguished, Padget and Tuck both said the main concern will shift to soil erosion on the charred landscape, stripping fields of vital nutrients.

Tuck said agencies will need to gather and discuss what resources are available to help farmers mitigate those risks.

“Erosion for this winter is going to be a concern,” he said. “If we avoid a hard, severe winter, that will be to our advantage.”

Wes Jennings, farm program chief for the USDA Farm Service Agency in Oregon, said they do offer emergency relief for farmers and ranchers, but it is still too early to tell which programs will kick in after the fire.

“It’s going to be on a case-by-case basis,” Jennings said. He advised producers to call their local county FSA offices as soon as possible to determine the next steps to take. Wheat farmers will likely have to lean on crop insurance, he said.

Until then, Padget said the number one priority for farmers is to protect themselves and their property.

“We’ll be talking about this for a long, long time to come,” Padget said.

Christmas tree growers narrowly approve checkoff

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Christmas tree farmers have narrowly approved a national checkoff program that raises about $1.8 million a year to promote and research the crop.

Though 51 percent of growers voted in favor of continuing the Christmas Tree Promotion Board during a recent referendum, the program continues to face uncertainty.

Another referendum would normally be required in seven years, but the USDA — which oversees the research and promotion checkoff — has announced that growers will again vote on its continuation in about one year.

The agency hasn’t specified why another vote will occur so soon, but a referendum may be held at the request of the secretary of the USDA, the Christmas Tree Promotion Board or by more than 10 percent of eligible farmers.

Roughly 1,500 Christmas tree growers across the U.S. who sell more than 500 trees a year and pay 15 cents per tree to fund the program are eligible to vote in the referendum.

“I’m pleased we’re going to be able to go forward,” said Betty Malone, a farmer near Philomath, Ore., who spearheaded the effort to start a checkoff for Christmas trees.

Even so, Malone said she’s surprised by the narrow margin of victory, since an internal “head count” of growers had indicated stronger support.

Holding another referendum in a year will create uncertainty at a time when the checkoff program needs to be making long-term decisions about research and promotions, she said.

“It’s absolutely crucial for our industry to do that kind of planning,” Malone said.

Frans Kok, a Virginia farmer who organized opposition to the checkoff, said he was disappointed by the result because he’d been cautiously optimistic growers had voted against continuing the program.

It’s likely USDA decided to hold another referendum next year because the vote was so close, he said.

“It gives us a chance,” Kok said. “A swing of 15 votes shouldn’t be so hard but we will get significant opposition working against us as well.”

Kok said he must discuss the situation with other growers who funded “Farmers Against Christmas Tree Taxation” to see if they’re willing to orchestrate a similar campaign in the future.

Many growers oppose the checkoff both because they feel it’s ineffective — consumers aren’t likely to grow more aware of Christmas trees — and because they feel the program was foist upon them.

The checkoff program was first allowed to operate for three seasons before a referendum was held, partly so organizers could compile a list of eligible farmers. Opponents, however, discount that rationale.

“Given the vote, you can see it’s extremely controversial,” Kok said.


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