Farmer to Farmer Podcasts Zoe from Valley Flora

Valley Flora Farm

Just a ways up Floras Creek, Valley Flora Farm is a pretty good place for veggies and other good stuff.  Zoe just did a Farmer to Farmer Podcast (a podcast is just  people talking on the internets.  Kind of like a radio interview.  Not sure why it has 'pod' in it).

Valley Flora’s Zoe Bradbury grew up on the family homestead in southern Oregon, just a few miles from the Pacific Ocean. She left at sixteen and came back many years later to a farm where her mother and sister had started growing and selling vegetables. Many years later, Valley Flora feeds over 100 CSA members and provides produce to dozens of restaurants and stores in the 50-mile radius around their farming collective, as well as a farmstand and u-pick operation on the farm.

Give it a listen!

Read more about Farmer to Farmer Podcasts Zoe from Valley Flora

Humbug Weavers and Spinners


Saturday, April 21, 2018 - 1:00pm


Humbug Mountain Spinners and Weavers Guild is a non-profit, social organization for anyone interested in textile arts. Members expertise range from Hand Spinning & Weaving; Knitting & Crocheting; Felt & Paper Making; Basket Weaving to Sheep Raising. HMSW Guild holds general meetings on the third Saturday of the month, year round at 1 PM. at the Langlois Lions Club: 48136 Floras Lake Look, Langlois.

Meetings include a short business meeting, show and tell and socializing followed by a program on fiber related topics. Our members come from a wide area along the Coast Highway corridor: From Crescent City, California to Reedsport Oregon


 Contact phone # 541 6550554


Read more about Humbug Weavers and Spinners


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