
19th Annual Craft Fair


Friday, November 21, 2014 - 9:00am

2014 Craft Fair: Langlois Library & Langlois Lions Club
2014 Craft Fair: Langlois Library & Langlois Lions Club

19th annual Craft Fair. Langlois Lions Club on Floras Lake Lp  2 blocks west off Hwy 101-- 9 am- 4 pm. Friday & Sat. Nove 21 & 22nd.sponsered by the Langlois Library and the Langlois Lions

One of the best holiday fairs around-- crafts, carvings, hats, socks, canned tuna, baked goods, art, pottery  and much more

Lunch: Friday: Famous chicken vegetable stew with pie crust topping ( Sandie McDonald)
           Saturday:  Fabulous Tasty Kate's spaghetti with meat sauce/ bread. ( Katie Van Wormer)

  Read more about 19th Annual Craft Fair


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